
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Stealing Intellectual Property?

Lol the title is a little bit of an exaggeration but I googled myself (tohukyo) which is a little narcissistic BUT I did it because I wanted to check what accounts I made over the years using the username to ensure personal info isn't revealed. Turns out I've created a number of accounts that don't do that (found one that did but changed it) and I happened upon a DEVIANT Art account that isn't mine WITH my username. NOw I'm not sure who created it is since it isn't me (I use a standard date of birth for this username usually for accounts or my real one May 22). It's quite ironic that it's on Deviant art because I consider the person who is using my username a deviant. It's a name I consider quite precious to me since I CREATED THE NAME and it brings up wonderful memories of relationships I've formed online using this username--the online game RF for example which is what I originally created it for). I of course could be flattered that someone is using the name however it's nothing flattering if the person doesn't ask. Of course it is the internet and the internet is kind of anarchist but come on, why didn't you just ask? I obviously would have said no but I would be flattered of course but now it's kind of irksome especially since it's very sentimental to me. =l As annoying as it is, I used to always say "the internet is anarchy"where even the government can cross lines. Sigh...I'm disappointed.

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