Greetings blog visitors,
I haven't done anything in the last few weeks for my blog (well I just post something up but that's been sitting there for quite awhile). This is a status report on my situation here in relation to the blog.
First, in the last few weeks, I haven't been able to get anything done. Why? Well for one, I got sick. One Saturday evening after eating a full dinner, my stomach didn't settle and that night I got up from bed and hurled up my dinner a few times. Thereafter, I felt like shit (excuse the language). Now it doesn't help that everyone around me in class is sick and I was feeling very weak as well so a few days later, I was felt sickly with a cold. Anyways, I got better but I still have that annoying cough that lasts forever as well as occasional return of a sore throat...I should probably go see a doctor about that. Secondly, I also had my second round of midterms. Crammed like heck, aced the first and totally bombed the second (I felt like I got kicked in the stomach).
Second, in the coming days and weeks although Thanksgiving break is coming up and winter break will soon arrive in a few more weeks, I'll be busy. I have a paper due and then a midterm on the week before finals (yeah, it's the quarter system alright). Then finals week will roll in, while there are exams going on, I will have to go to work still (more like a personal obligation) since my supervisor has deadlines to meet (and without me, she'll be totally helpless since it's a demanding job in which an assistant is necessary).
I have little time to write anything fresh and thought provoking (not that I've done that in the last few months either). Alright, if anyone cares, I won't be back until the holidays.
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